TRICK OR TREAT!… This year’s Halloween Spirit Day was a huge success! The festivities kicked off with everyone dressing in their costumes and all of the advisories competing against each other in a couple of fun games. These activities ranged from potato sack races and beanbag tosses, to Halloween bingo and pin the eye on the monster. We even had our own Oracle version of the Clue board game, with some of the murder suspects being Oracle’s own faculty. This was a hit among the students!

It was a day filled with fun and laughter that could be heard throughout the building. However, while there was a ton of fun being had by all, the students couldn’t wait to get to the most important part, …which advisories had won?!? Points were given to advisories throughout the day based on team spirit, sportsmanship, and whether or not they won the activity. One of our three student council advisories took 1st Place with a prize of a large pizza, double wings, and two 2-Liters of Pepsi. Mrs. Morgante’s advisory followed in 2nd, with Mr. Schroeder’s finishing in 3rd.
This Spirit Day would not have been what it was if it wasn’t for Mrs. Owen. She planned and coordinated this event with the help from students on the Spirit Day Committee. So, thank you Mrs. Owen for an amazing day. We can’t wait to see what you are cooking up for the next one!
Laryssa K., 12th Grade Student