This year at Oracle Charter School, we have restructured our bell schedules within the hours of our regular school day (8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.) to allow seven regular periods of instruction followed by an 8th period of academic intervention or enrichment. Students whose current average is over 70% in all core classes and who have satisfactorily completed all of their academic work may earn early release from school at 2:20 p.m.
Students whose current average is below 70% in any core class or who have not satisfactorily completed all of their work will be assigned to flexible groups during 8th period so Oracle teachers can work to support them and help them to master skills and information. Oracle’s 8th period will not keep your student in school for a longer school day. Regular release will still be at 3:00 p.m. Students will be assigned to 8th period groups on a weekly basis so that they and you are able to plan ahead. Please note that if your student earns early release for the following week, you will be notified with an automated IRIS alert phone call. If your student does not earn early release and is assigned to an 8th period group, you will receive no phone call.
We are excited about the ability to support students’ specific academic needs that this 8th period / Earned Early Release program brings to our Oracle teaching staff. If you have any questions about Earned Early Release or about your student’s progress reports, please contact the school at 362-3188.